Thursday, January 27, 2011

We Need to Work on our Smiles

Connor's little brain is just taking off!  She has been so full of "baby brother or sister" since we told her she would be a big sister soon.  My mom brought her several "big sister" books this past weekend so that has only fueled intrigue. 

Yesterday I picked Connor up from school and she bestowed upon me the most beautiful drawings.  Her teacher tells me she really drew them by herself with teacher only writing the title.  Gotta say I was impressed!  This first one is - as Connor narrated to me - "Mom, Dad, Connor and then the new baby in Mommy's tummy."  I am not sure about why our "smiles" are straight lines, but it is hilarious to get Connor's take on this.  The second drawing is Lin-Lin, me and Clay the dog.  I love my little girl and her wonderful imagination!


  1. What an artist! That's really impressive. Also, I missed the baby news. Congratulations! Two is fun - and big sisters are the best.

