Saturday, May 14, 2011

Pajamas and Pancakes Party

Last night was unbelievable, crazy, and wonderful!  We opted for Connor's bday party on a Friday night since we had back to back Sat/Sun graduation weekends on either end of her actual day.  May has got to be the busiest month!  Much more chaotic than December.  I took the day off to rest and prep for the party.  I prepped FOUR large packages of bacon and a heaping pile of pancakes.

 Connor with her beloved Maury.  She LOVES Maury.

 Grant arrived in his Camo Dino PJs!

 I decided 4-year-olds are tough to make stand still in a pack for a group photo!  But I tried!

 The smallest party participants were adorable.
 We hired a sitter to man the upstairs to ward off blood, broken bones, and jumping off beds.  It was the best decision we made.  They dressed up and played hard in Connor's room.  Melissa wins the "Babysitter of the Year" award for keeping them safe!
 Pancake time and everyone took their breakfast/dinner on our front lawn.  I have never been so happy to have our fence.  Room for everyone to spread out and run around and very little sticky syrup inside my home!

 As if syrup and doughnuts weren't enough, it was then cake time!  The children sat on our steps and sang to Connor while I presented the cake.  She was a proud little girl amongst her friends.

 Then there were hugs all around!  From Kimball....
 From Sofia...
 Hagen was very sweet.
 I plopped down on our front lawn with our cakes (yes, we had two of them) and cut as fast as I could.  Yummy, strawberry cake and caramel cake from Piece of Cake!

What an evening!  This was Connor's last party as an only child.  Probably also the last year we can pass off her bday as an excuse to have a pseudo adult party with our friends too.  I bet at age 5 it becomes more of a "drop the kids off and go" shin dig.
Connor seemed to have tons of fun and thankfully Mother Nature presented a perfect not-too-hot, not-too-cold, not-too-buggy evening for us to relish.

1 comment:

  1. LOOOOVE all the bday hoopla at home AND school! Fab!!!
